
Friday, December 17, 2010

Hoy oli la verdad en el canto de las Abejas

Me acuerdo de la masacre. 19 mujeres, 15 ninos, y 9 hombres. Estaban congregados en la Iglesia, en oracion, cuando paramilitares armados abrieron fuego a quemaropa. Hoy escuche a algunos de los sobrevivientes que han hecho del canto su testimonio y reto en contra de la muerte y el olvido: "no me callaran ante el dolor, no sere indiferente ante el sufrimiento...aunque los dientes del hambre se claven en nuestro ser..." El violin, el tambor conjuraban los espiritus, que a la mirada de las velas danzaban a nuestro alrededor. Las Abejas de Acteal, es una comunidad pacifica en las montanas altas de Chiapas, que sigue sufriendo las represalias y el acoso del mal gobierno que se obstina en perseguirlos y borrarlos del mapa. Ultimamente los han estado dividiendo al implementar un programa de asistencia social para que desistan de su busqueda de justicia. Su presidente y varios miembros de la comunidad viven bajo amenazas de muerte.

He aprendido que la verdad es complicada y misteriosa. Pero tambien la huelo en la conviccion de la palabra clara y sin maquillaje. A unos dias de decimotercero aniversario de la masacre, el 22 de Diciembre, la comunidad de las Abejas de Acteal se rehuye a olvidar. Sabemos que en las semillas de la memoria se pueden encontrar los frutos de transformacion. Hasta las piedras gritan por la justicia negada. La sangre propaga y fermenta la esperanza. Esa esperanza alimentada por una organizacion comunitaria que valora la libertad, lucha y dignidad de todo ser viviente mas alla de la vida misma. El pensamiento y el corazon es el mismo. No hay dicotomia ni esquizofrenia. La teoria del amor es la practica del amor. Verdad que apunta a quemaropa entre cantos que proclaman un nuevo amanecer. De nombres no olvidados. De muertes no en vano.

"Lo que se siembra se cosecha y sabemos que los criminales comeran del fruto que han sembrado". Sigue corriendo la palabra del abuelo invitandonos a sembrar la buena voluntad, el buen vivir. Hoy descubri que la verdad huele a miel de las Abejas que bajan de la montanas de Acteal.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


we strolled down the mountain,
still the fog settling on the branches,
barefoot, half-drunk,
we began gathering the limbs of trees--
pears, peaches, pines, cypresses,
in their branches, lifeless, I picked the sweet,
likened, orange flamed fruit,

fallen branches, cut down, for the sacred fire

felt my heart raising,
singing somebody's name or
maybe a prayer
as I held the ax
and let it fall, over and over,
onto the lifeless body

I did ask, for forgiveness,
my limbs, though tired, kept working,
sweating, beating,
truths from the shaman kept circling
as vultures waiting for a meal,

Fallen, still giving,
I find myself amid broken hearts,
seeing the truths dancing,
circling above and around me,
as my tongue tastes the flames,
as life, yours, mine,
is fed to the sacred fire

(the 21rst. the Mayan and descendants begin to prepare for the 5th. Sun, where the new humanity will emerge. the ceremony of the sacred fire marks the beginning of the new era)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

REDD is not Green! or why you should boycott Christmas trees

“Stop talking, start planting” is a rallying call to people around the planet to take time to plant trees in their communities this month, with the painful observation that had UN delegates planted trees last year during the Copenhagen delegations, it would have done more to save the planet than their non-binding compromise accord.
The simplicity is compelling, but the question of rescuing our planet’s lungs is complicated. REDD, the UN program “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries,” is among the most controversial points of discord between the delegates and forest ecologists, activists and indigenous people around the world.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bolivia Decries Adoption of Copenhagen Accord II Without Consensus

Press Release
Plurinational State of Bolivia

Bolivia Decries Adoption of Copenhagen Accord II Without Consensus

December 11, 2010 (Cancun, Mexico) - The Plurinational State of Bolivia believes that the Cancun text is a hollow and false victory that was imposed without consensus, and its cost will be measured in human lives. History will judge harshly.

There is only one way to measure the success of a climate agreement, and that is based on whether or not it will effectively reduce emissions to prevent runaway climate change. This text clearly fails, as it could allow global temperatures to increase by more than 4 degrees, a level disastrous for humanity. Recent scientific reports show that 300,000 people already die each year from climate change-related disasters. This text threatens to increase the number of deaths annually to one million. This is something we can never accept.